Laura Case


Why work with me? 
Experience, integrity and excellence in design

Ex·per·i·ence |ik-'spir-ē-əns| : Activity which one has performed
I have over 20 years experience designing for publishers, schools, non-profits, businesses and individuals. A lover of words and type, I communicate your message appropriately, genuinely and simply. And, you can have confidence that I will personally pour my talents and skills as well as my passion for design...into your project. It’s that simple.
In·teg·ri·ty |in-'teg-rət-ē| : The quality or condition of being complete; pure
My business and personal values match my design.
I am a firm believer in “less is more” in design. While not every project is high-budget, every project can be high-style. I find a way to make “less equal more” and bring to life your ideas in a visually compelling, insightful and intelligent way.
It’s just how I work. I think you’ll experience why this is so critical to a successful design project.
Importantly, I help clients solve their communication problems...on time and on budget.
Ex·cel·lence |'ek-s(ə-)ləns| : Excellence is derived from the Latin excellentia. 
Excellence can be achieved by constant repetition of that which is to be excelled. Therefore, excellence is not a virtue but a habit.
I don’t mean to sound pompous, it’s definitely not my style...but, I strive for excellence in each and every project, large or small.
What’s more, I am a recipient of numerous professional awards from AIGA, Connecticut Art Director’s Club, Print’s Regional Design Annual, and Type Director’s Club. I strive for excellence with each and every project I work on – large and small alike.

That’s enough about me!

Please click here if you’d like to talk about your project and how I can meet your needs


 Photo of me. - Laura Case